Security Process
Business Continuity
01 What is Business Continuity Management?

What is Business Continuity Management

Enhance your organization's resilience and strengthen its security measures with a business continuity management program. Ensure you plan for the resources that support your critical functions in case of a disruption.

Business continuity is the ability of an organization to maintain delivery of products or services at pre-defined levels following an unexpected event. Disruptions can occur at any time, for any reason, and their impact varies. Causes of disruptions include natural events, resource loss, and security threats.

Why Managing Business Continuity is Important

A program for managing business continuity helps you prepare for, and manage the impact of, disruptive incidents, regardless of cause. A successful program includes:

  • Continual planning and improvement
  • Carrying out activities to ensure preparedness
  • Embedding business continuity into organizational culture and practice

Business continuity management follows an ongoing cycle to:

  • Confirm the scope and approach of the program
  • Identify and prioritize critical functions
  • Consider the resources and requirements needed to maintain those functions
  • Identify and apply solutions to meet identified requirements
  • Document plans for business continuity and processes for responding to incidents
  • Confirm plans and processes work through regular exercises and reviews.

How Business Continuity Planning Enhances Security

The data you collect for your organization's business continuity program strengthens your physical and informational security programs by identifying what needs protection.

Involving personnel from other protective disciplines in your organization in identifying potential threats and proactive solutions allows you to work together to increase your organization's resilience.

  • Establish the scope of your business continuity program
  • Identify your critical functions and their necessities
  • Develop plans to sustain your critical functions
  • Create teams to manage business continuity in a disruption
  • Maintain your business continuity program
  • Legal requirements, standards, and best practices for business continuity management